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The Plame Game
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The Plame Game
We've had Watergate and Iran/Contra, but what do you call it when the Bush White House outs a CIA operative?
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E'VE HAD TEAPOT DOME, Watergate, Iran/Contra -- not particularly catchy or clever labels for political scandals, but they were the originals and their nomenclature arose in a seemingly organic way. Unfortunately ever since Nixon, when journalists couldn't get a good handle on a scandal handle, they would just slap the "gate" suffix onto the closest name at hand and there you had it! Most were pretty lame -- Filegate, Travelgate, etc.

So what do you call a scandal whereby the Bush White House outs an undercover CIA operative? (Valerie Plame, wife of Ambassador Joseph Wilson) Daily Kos, a popular blog, put that very question to its readers and the result was a flood of possibilities from which we selected our favorites.

Some of them are earnest attempts at capturing the essence of the matter in a way that will stick in the mind and become part of the public discourse. But let's face it, most of them are not very serious at all and some are just plain silly. While breaches of national security emanating from within the White House is a very serious matter, we at Skreed believe in having a little fun while our national nightmare unfolds.

So settle back in your easy chair, turn up the volume on the evening news and pass the popcorn!

Credibly Viable:

The Plame Affair
L'Affaire Plame
Plame Out


Chickenhawk Down
The Plame Game
The Perfect Storm
Treason at 1600
The New Product
The Treason Thing
Compassionate Treason
No Agent Left Unexposed


Libby's Fancy Leaks
Rat Scooter
Karl's Bad
Ides of Frogmarch
Rove Motel

Tom Clancy:

Clear and Present Fuckup
UnPatriot Games (Plames?)
The Witch Hunt of Red Rover
The Sum of All Scandals
The Karl and the Criminal

Robert Ludlum:

The Rove Directive
The Treason Protocol
The Bush Deception
The Plame Betrayal
The Novak Code
The PNAC Option
The Cheney Compact

And for the kids:

Mister Potato Head's White House Outing