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George Bush doesn't exist
He's either an android or a genial, second-rate dinner theater actor.
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by Rich Proctor

'M NOT A CONSPIRACY NUT. I'm almost certain we landed on the moon in 1968. I don't believe the government is monitoring my brain activity through the fillings in my teeth (although I suspect Admiral Poindexter is working on this, and John Ashcroft will crowbar an authorization of it into the fine print of Patriot Act III). And I'm almost completely certain George W. Bush doesn't exist.


Do you EVER see this alleged person alone, unscripted, and outside a "staged" environment? EVER?

Do you EVER hear him say ANYTHING that hasn't been scripted down to the 'lovable malapropism' by the Karl Rove friendly-face-of-fascism wingnut marketing gurus who are selling this fake?

Do you EVER hear of him doing anything vaguely human? All we know about him personally is that he has two interests in life - crippling the government's ability to finance itself, and clearing brush on "his" ranch in Crawford. (How much brush can one ranch have???)

Do you EVER see him do anything that couldn't easily be done by a genial, second-rate dinner theater actor?

Okay, follow me now. The year is 1946. The Democrats have been in the White House for fourteen years straight. In that time, they've passed Social Security (over the Republicans dead bodies), they've kicked Hitler's ass in World War II (over the hard-core isolationist Republicans dead bodies), and they've taken over the Supreme Court. In 1946, the Republicans are desperate to come up with a winning strategy to repeal every advance of the Roosevelt years, and return America to the giddy, unregulated whoopee-capitalism that produced the Wall Street crash of 1929 and the Great Depression. But how?

Anyone who has seen Hitchcock's "North by Northwest" remembers "George Kaplan," the non-existent person manufactured by the CIA. In the film, the bad guys think that Cary Grant is George Kaplan, who is nothing more than a useful fiction for the good guys. I'm saying that the Republicans created a useful fiction in 1946 named "George Bush," and we're seeing the "end-game" of this scenario play out now.

The wingnuts tried cramming their retro-program down America's throat in 1964 with an honest candidate, Barry Goldwater. Goldwater said exactly what he was going to do - dismantle the New Deal, drop nuclear bombs on North Vietnam, etc. - and the American people ran screaming into the arms of Lyndon Johnson. The next attempt at Wingnut Dominance came in the form of Ronald Reagan. By this time, they had figured out that if you're going screw the middle and lower classes, you were going to have to run Mr. Likeable, and "finesse" the language to an Orwellian degree. Reagan got elected, deficits soared, the military got every toy it wanted, but the hardest of the hardcore wingnuts became disenchanted. The problem? Nancy. She insisted that the craziest of the ideologue true-believers (James Watt, Ollie North) had to go, to "insure Ronnie's place in history."

Okay - my theory is that the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy now activated "Operation Dubya." In the year 2000, they needed a likeable candidate to get just enough votes to shove Al Gore and the Democrats over the side. Karl Rove contacted his small army of look-alikes. There was a "debate" Dubya, a "photo op" Dubya, a "family" Dubya - this way he always looked fresh and rested. And since all he ever did was mutter "compassionate Conservative" and "lock box," Rove and Company got away with it!

No actual flesh and blood human being could ever be so bereft of original thought as George W. Bush. No actual human being could lie American into a war and send 151 American soldiers to their deaths with nothing more than a hearty "Hoo-yah!" like George W. Bush. No human being could work so hard to damage so many innocent people as George W. Bush. The reason has to be that THERE IS NO GEORGE W. BUSH. He's literally an empty suit, a "logo" configured to deliver the message of the radical wingnuts who want to wreck everything America's built in the last 71 years.

"George W. Bush" as conceived by Rove and Company is not a human being. He's a relentless, inexorable 'marketing position' with fake flesh. He never goes "off message" because he doesn't have a brain - just a loudspeaker in his head broadcasting the thoughts of his 'handlers'. He can cut school lunch programs, Medicare benefits and military pensions because only a flesh and blood person can feel compassion. He has no shame about preening in a flight suit in front of real military personnel after dodging actual Military service because shame is a human emotion, and Bush is just a useful fiction.

You probably think I'm crazy. But have you ever seen any group so terrified of letting their candidate face a real reporter, and an actual, unscripted question? Don't you think Rove and Company are petrified that Helen Thomas will stand up at a press conference and ask, "Mr. Bush, isn't it true that you're NOT REALLY George Bush, but Herman R. Bondurant, most recently seen in 'Come Blow Your Horn' at Texarkana's 'Way Off Broadway' Dinner Theater? And that in fact George W. Bush does not, and never has existed?" He'd have some explaining to do!

I'm sending this article to Seymour Hersch.